Randy Snider's 1987 El Camino

Randy's 1987 El Camino

The image below was taken by Randy on on March 12th, 2005. He last drove it on August 14th, 2005, only 5 days before his death. His Grandfather "Pawk" Snider said that Randy was so excited about getting the El Camino for his 16th birthday (January 23, 2006), that on the last day he drove the car, circling the property endlessly for hours, until the El camino simply ran out of gas. So in a way, it was metaphor. Maybe even a premonition, perhaps. While anticipating freedom...Randy's life ran out of gas.


Randy Snider 1987 El Camino


This 1978 reproduction is model represents Randy's 1987 El Camino.

This picture was taken the morning of Randy's funeral. This model was placed in his casket.

Randy Snider 1987 El Camino


An additional model of the El Camino was produced.

The model is seen on the headstone of Randy's Grave.

Randy Snider 1987 El Camino

Randy Snider 1987 El Camino

Randy Snider 1987 El Camino

Randy Snider 1987 El Camino


Family placed another El Camino on his headstone.

Randy Snider 1987 El Camino


Randy's movies of his El Camino

Randy too these images and it show just how pround he was of his El Camino.

El Camino Movie 1

Randy Snider 1987 El Camino

El Camino Movie 2

Randy Snider 1987 El Camino

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